What's included?
The Github Action code.
Installation docs & Video
Free updates to any 1.x version
Access to the Docker container
Support via Campfire
How do you get it?
After purchase, we‘ll email you a private download link that includes everything you need.
Modern Next.js deployments on your own server.
Pay once & get zero-downtime deploys to your own VPS, on every Github commit. Just add 1 workflow file to your repo.
Pyra loads your environment variables from Github Secrets, and uses our custom Github Action to get your app on your VPS.
Pyra deploys a load-balanced app instance, routes web traffic to Next, & even configures Let’s Encrypt SSL, all with zero downtime.
Built on dependable open source.
![](/images/lets-encrypt-logo.png) proudly uses reliable, battle-tested open-source technology.
Push to Run
Deploy your app with every commit pushed to Github. No PaaS, no container registries.
No more monthly subscriptions just to deploy. Use your Github Account & whichever hosting provider you like.
Reliable tech: We use Rsync, & SSH to get your code from Github securely to your server. Not magic, tried & tested.
Zero Downtime: Pyra configures Traefik & Docker to boot new instances of your app before stopping the previous version.
Deployed into Action
Github Actions are powerful but hard to configure. We’ve done all the hard work to dependably build your app.
Instant Rollbacks: Re-run an Action on Github & your app will be redeployed at that commit. Every build is cached on Github’s artifact infrastructure.
Builds per commit: Our custom Ubuntu Container builds & deploys your code on every commit to main.
Deploy Notifications: Github’s Notifications will notify you about successful and failed deployments. (Slack integration coming soon).
Simple Install
Bring your Server’s IP, the SSH key, & a Next.js repo on Github. No config required.
Environment Variable driven configuration. Github has a secret super power: Powerful secrets management across repositories and environments per repo. Every aspect of Pyra is configured through an env
Documentation: We know Github Actions & Docker inside out so you don’t have to. Follow our simple guide to add just 1 file to your repo, and one line to your next.config.js
and you’re away.
HTTPS out of the box: Save hours hacking around with SSL certificates. We know it’s one of the best features of hosting & deployment providers - so we made sure it’s just as simple with Pyra.
What’s Next?
Help shape the future of Pyra by voting on features you’d like to see first.
(Spoiler alert: they're all coming)
Remix Support
Add support for the Remix framework
Gitlab CI/CD Support
Support for Gitlab CI/CD workflows
SvelteKit Support
Add Support for the SvelteKit framework
Dev Ops
Slack Notifications
Get alerts per deployment in a Slack channel
Support pushing build logs to 3rd parties.
E-mail Notifications
Get email notifications per deployment
PR Apps
Preview Apps per Pull Request in Github
Resource Monitoring
Add detailed resource monitoring from your server
Self-Hosted CDN
Deploy Varnish Cache in front of your apps